Hello and Welcome I'm Gaby

These are my first attempts at square foot gardening

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Going ons in the garden

Hailstorm aftermath not bugs

Rosie posing for a picture
(she loves having her picture taken)

I do realize that this year I've not posted anykind of weight for my harvests or posted alot at all this year it just seemed kind of a lazy year for me.With that being said here are some more pictures.   

The perfect radish

Waltham butternut squash (1 of 5)

Playing hide and seek

Teddybear sunflower

One of the many lettuce growing amongst the
squash they are suprisingly not bitter even
tough the heat is unbearable.

Bed #1 Contains Butternut squash,
cocozola zuchinni,regular zuchinni,
yard long beans,pinto beans,
3 ypes of lettuce, boc choi, tatsoi,
carrots (2 kinds), seeding cilantro and
some volunteer tomatoes.

Bed#2 Contains tomatoes(grape, large cherry,
 sungold,sweet 100, roma and 1 other),
Broccoli, Garlic chives, regular chives,
cucumbers, carrots, cilantro
and some seedng radishes.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

An amazing thing happened about a week ago ...

Ever since I have lived here with Mike  I've taken care of the plants to the  best of my ability  but ever have I seen something like this. Last year I had to go out in the pouring rain and stake the poor thing, we were afraid it was going to break because of the high winds we were having.  Last week Mike was out in the backyard and I was on the couch suffering from what I consider to be the worst cold over when he started calling to me  I went outside and this is what I found ....
Our cactus plant bloomed  !
I've never seen out cactus bloom nor has it ever according to Mike. That plant has been here  since he was a child and ever since he could remember, it's currently towering at about 14 feet in height and it is too bad but the blooms only lasted for one day but they were gorgeous. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

First post of the year

I probably should have posted one sooner or even not stopped at all but you know life is like that, sometimes you're in the swing of things sometimes you're not.
So my updates so far are that well I've started some seeds indoors which I thought would do great outdoors since it hasn't been freezing around here as I had expected but well I think they froze OOpSIE !!!! You live you learn  and then apparently you get luvs but not in this case, I just planted some more seeds hoping that they'll grow but I placed them outside weather permitting these little ones will get me the results I need.
I also took some pictures of the garden so far, some lettuce was overwintered and amazingly enough it still tastes great even though it's been in the ground for almost 4 months now. Some Bokchoi is going to seed I actually just let it go to seed because I was yearning for flowers any kind of flowers I was desperate! We don't have many flowers planted in our yard except for the rosebushes but they're summer blooming plants,  this year I've ordered some flower seeds exotic ones might I add and some mini sunflowers to fit into my garden better and last fall I planted some bulbs which are just coming up (honestly I've forgotten what kind they are) I know for a fact I have some daffodils but the rest are quite a mystery to me since I have a really bad memory.
I finally got carrots to grow !!!!!! The carrots overwintered along with the lettuce so I hope they're fit for human consumption, if not I'm sure Rosie will be more than eager to help me dispose of them properly. Speaking of Rosie her and her mother helped me with the planting of some things the other day ... I was planting my one Cocozolla zuchinni plant into a bigger pot and left it outside to enjoy the sunshine well when I got home it had been stripped of all it's leaves I thought for a second slugs! but nope all the leaves were intact a couple of feet away which brings me to the conclusion that Rosie and mom had a great time peeling the poor little things' leaves off. Enough of my talking on to the pictures !

11 pounds of oranges

Turned into a little over a pint of juice

Daffodils finally blooming they're 3 weeks late

Mystery flower for now

Camelia bush in bloom