Where I'm supposed to build my garden it flooded. One pic is overcast and the other sunny privi to how crazy the weather is these pics were taken seconds apart
Don't worry you havn't missed much it's been raining as if we're gonna need an arc. It is strange, I always see worms come out when it rains but they always stay close to the dirt don't they ? With last nights rain I saw maybe about 20 on my back patio this would not have been strange except for the fact that they were nowhere near the ground and drying up, I felt so bad for them.( I had Mike go out there and toss the poor little buggers back onto the lawn) O:) I have nothing against worms it's just I sometimes don't want to touch them, they wiggle!
See told you I didn't hate the worms even had Mike build them a worm box (abt 4 ft LX abt 2 ft W)from directions we got off the internet this box is BIG
See told you I didn't hate the worms even had Mike build them a worm box (abt 4 ft LX abt 2 ft W)from directions we got off the internet this box is BIG