Hello and Welcome I'm Gaby

These are my first attempts at square foot gardening

Friday, March 12, 2010

Rain Rain GO AWAY !

So as you can tell it's still raining gosh darnit, I guess it gives me a little more time to get my $$ together for the things I'll need for the raised garden. A certain little bank which shall remain nameless is still taking care of my financial problem, you'd think they'd have it resolved in less than a week (sigh).On the bright side my seedlings seem to be doing great I have a total of 18 tomato plants six of which are outside braving the elements. Mike was great, since the corn his grandpa left me didn't sprout he bought me an early variety sweet corn. :)
Sunny days will come again...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My progress so far ...

Ok so this is the lowdown so far..
That thing that was growing in the brown pot died :( I do believe slugs ate it "Alas I knew ye well."I have no idea what the red looking plant in the front yard is but it gives beautiful flowers right around easter they are HUGE about 6 inches in diameter and pink, that plant is doing awfully well.

All six of the cucumber plants are growing two are rather slow butI don't mind i'm just trying to figure out where to put them now, although they are a bush type variety which is good for spacing. It seems that we are going to enjoy alot of tomatos this season because I planted too many seeds (I assumed they wouldn't all germinate). I do believe there is about 12 little seedlings so far. We have 2 Zuchinni plants which is perfect.One jalapeno seedling. none of the corn seeds germinated I assume the seeds were too old, neither did any of the peppers or the lisbon onions :(. The Hydrangea is doing a whole lot better than it did last year although I really must fertilize it it seriously needs it. I've planted some sunflowers and hope they germinate. For the first time ever I've managed to grow little baby marigolds YAY! ME! so those little yellow faces will be in this yard this year. The lettuce is doing great holding their own.Last but not least the asparagus beans are growing very quickly they've already gotten to be about 3 inches high which is huge compared to all the other little seedlings .

As to the kitties pictures they were just hanging around and being their adorable fuzzy little selves. The black one is B.K the white and gray is Keekers and the orange with white is Garfield. Garfield and B.K have adopted us as their would be family while keekers on the other hand has been here since Mike was in 2nd grade, she's about 15 years old.

My raised bed project has been put off for a little while longer as there was a mishap with the bank and I need some time to resolve it, or rather they need some time to resolve that issue. The same goes for my little worm bin :(

I am adament in my resolve, I shall acomplish these things I have set myself to do !