Hello and Welcome I'm Gaby

These are my first attempts at square foot gardening

Friday, April 30, 2010

So this month I've killed with the help of some snails and slugs,asparagus beans

Patio hybrid tomato a snail ate the top leaves
what the zuchinni is supposed to look like ...
...and what it looks like
a little more than gone lettuce

marigolds that were planted  in planter box with old(poor) soil
I grew these in ice cube trays with new soil a little after the ones in the planter
the difference is huge.
The rosemary in the chickens wings both sides died "unexpectedly" ahem.. cough... cough ... 

so all in all not a pretty bad month.  
Now that it seems most of everyones' climates are warm enough to plant Happy gardening !!! and let's hope there aren't anymore casualties in our midsts.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thief! thief I say !

                                        We caught her in the act she can't deny it now.

I've gone and lost my hoe ??!!

So yesterday Mike and me decided we needed to clean like there was no tomorrow and after a sunburn for me and some "itching" with a "b" from him we kinda sorta have the yard presentable.although the big pile in the middle of the yard is still there we can't help that.
Both the green bins got filled up , now before I get flamed for not composting I must add that dog poop is never going in my veggie garden and as I've heard it isn't good to compost it anyways cause of germies. 
 Rosie and mommy playing
We tried to use that contraption on the yard to make it even for building the beds but it's about 50 years old and I think it's given up the ghost. I decided I was gonna make it even nomatter what so I took the hoe to it and did a little bit of it this morning I went looking for it to finish the job and couldn't find it, hopefully Mike know where it's at.


We have three baby artichoke on the plant instread of just one.
 I have no idea how to cook an artichoke any suggestions on how to cook one?

The dwarf grapefruit is flowering but I found that there were no bees on it
 go figure but I hope it gives fruit this year.